Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another opportunity?

I won't be able to be at the Standing Committee meeting next Thursday (June 17) as our vacation plans have changed.  Something we talked about briefly at a Standing Committee meeting (o.k., I talked about it), was Standing Committee doing its own mission trip.  I wonder if we might not hook up with the Episcopal Habitat for Humanity Project, and get a bunch of SC folks to sign up for one of the work days.  Wayne has talked about finding Lui locally, and that would be a good start.  Better, obviously, for metropolitan folks than those outside the St. Louis area, but it's a start.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

For the life of the world

One of the simplest things our subgroup of Standing Committee might do is begin to collect information about what congregations are currently doing for the life of the world.  I'm sure such collections have been made before, and the information sits mouldering in a three ring binder somewhere.  It might be an interesting exercise for the Standing Committee's annual report to include a list of things going on:  x congregations support food pantries, y congregations served z meals, n congregations have gardens, m congregations are involved in health ministries, or whatever we discover.  I think particularly little congregations need some approbation for what they are currently doing.  If we could keep the information availabe on-line somehow, perhaps on the diocesan website, it might encourage other congregations to try similar ministries.